While the current Admin appears bent on discovering Gov’t and Media LIES – more evidence on WTC7
Fire and Safety Journal Americas
My guess would be either of these.
- a boatload of golden ‘assets’ under there and this was a security protocol
- someone thought it should be added to the insurance bill. If the ins. co. paid out on WTC7, what questions were asked? (not to get off topic but 100% chance insurance companies KNOW about C19/Vax, and many other ‘mysterious’ events – or they were re-imbursed to be silent).
Aside from all the other evidence on 9/11, WTC7 is the most obvious smoking gun to only start finding out what really happened. That, and WTF struck the Pentagon?
On behalf of ‘common sense’ Americans, can someone in the (alt) MEDIA please present questions regarding this and the Vegas Shooting to DJT – He knows, but no one in the media (with WH access) seems to care.
While it IS important and the American people should get answers to those questions, cleaning out the corruption and the fraud in govt. expenditures should be top priority. Fighting against the judges and the lawfare is keeping the admin. quite busy. We waited 60 years for the JFK files we can wait a year or two more on 911.
The World Trade Center was insured for twice what it was worth. The building was not fully occupied. Jewish Lightning.
Jewish Lightning is an Anti semitic phrase Trader From Hell
I am not saying you meant it as such…But perhaps you did
Lord knows there is a LOT of Anti-semitism rising to levels not seen since the 30s in this world
Or perhaps you were unaware that I am Jewish and that I would take Offense to seeing this phrase on my site !