Smokers and obese patients face being ordered to the back of the queue for operations under Government plans to slash waiting lists. The move, unveiled yesterday by the Prime Minister, means only patients deemed ‘fit to proceed‘ will be given a date for an operation.

Under the plans, tens of thousands of patients waiting for hip and knee surgery will be asked to first undergo a 12-week weight-loss programme. Smokers will be urged to quit.

He also pledged to make ‘better use’ of the private sector so sick Britons can be seen more quickly for a wider range of issues. GPs will be forced to actively tell patients when they can get their scans, tests or operations at a private clinic. Giving patients the choice to forego follow-up appointments currently booked by default could free up to a million appointments.


So … sounds like the UK is going to “improve” it’s health service levels by disqualifying sick patients from access to their health offerings — which suggests that any potential patient MUST already be healthy before utilizing NHS health services. Perhaps they have figured out a new way to cull the population as per WEF, UN, World Bank, Gates Eugenics objectives!