it seems like a lot of people are currently asking this question in some sort of “what the hell just happened to us?” post mortem around “how did the host of fear factor just become the most important interview in presidential elections?”

it’s a telling question. it’s also an interesting one with implications beyond mere politics.

here’s my take:

there is no “dem joe rogan” because the left has systematically attacked and expelled any semblance of masculinity, humor, or thought diversity from its ranks through an unending series of ideological purity test struggle sessions run by ever more marginal people seeking to play “king of the aggrievement hill.”

it’s been one of the most self-destructive, self-absorbed, self-important negative sum games i have ever seen played and it looks like a fair few of them really truly believe that they need to double down again.

it’s like watching a drowning swimmer aggressively attack anything buoyant that comes within reach.

gen X swayed this election. we voted hard red and in numbers previously unseen. we’re the generation that always hated fakes and phonies, posers and poses.

they forgot about us, but we have not forgotten.

we have not forgotten what once was and what they took.

and we will take it back.
