While Mark Carney subtly brands himself as a savior to Canada’s political situation, he is a longtime supporter of globalist groups and their anti-family policies including abortion, the LGBT agenda and climate extremism.



There is NOTHING subtle about the turnover of Liberal party leadership to Mark Carney — it has been telegraphed for years. Including the removal of Carney from the WEF website where he was on the BoD of the WEF. His leadership role at the WEF has been scrubbed from the records in order to present a “clean” version for public consumption. He is globalist through and through and will surely carry on the Turds efforts to implement one world government — which ensures the destruction of Canadian sovereignty. Such actions are anti “Canadian citizen” in favour of a global elite. While the Liberal party may replace the Turd with Carney, Canada will be no better off for the change and if citizens  want their country back they must remove the Liberal Party completely.