A former board member of the Medical Council of New Zealand, in court testimony, said he was “alarmed” that the majority of council members called for “harsh, vindictive” sanctions against doctors who even just merely questioned COVID-19 vaccines.

For quite some time I have been writing and speaking about the witch hunts conducted by the Medical Council of New Zealand (MCNZ) against good doctors who spoke out against their upending of foundational medical principles — principles such as informed consent, which they strongly promoted but hypocritically disavowed.

I and other colleagues have exposed their connection to the Federation of State Medical Boards and its international arm, the International Association of Medical Regulatory Agencies, which appears to be pulling strings across the globe to extirpate ANY challenge to their inconceivably dangerous policies, such as actively working to prohibit early treatment and to push the Covid jab as if it were a panacea.

Doctors around the world who did what good doctors should do, namely, treat the ill, do no harm, tailor treatments to individual needs, provide informed consent, and suggest preventive measures, using whatever means they had at their disposal, which may or may not include various medications or supplements, were targeted for reprisals.

Licenses were suspended and/or revoked, and they were subjected to “show trials.”
