NOTE: Originally posted Aug 2022 — I just found it — am posting because of info contained therein………

NEW BIOLOGICAL UPDATE FROM RUSSIA – New briefing from Chief of Radiation, Chemical and Biological Defence Forces, General Igor Kirillov, on military biological activities of the United States in the territory of Ukraine.

The Russian MIL have been studying biological samples from surrendered Ukrainian soldiers, and what they have been finding is beyond disturbing…………

Next, we find perhaps the most explosive slide to date, in which Russia FINALLY comes out and DIRECTLY accuses the US of being responsible for the creation and release of Covid-19. The backlash the US are facing from Russia and the rest of Eastern world, is directly because the world found out THE UNITED STATES CREATED COVID. Specifically the “DNC/Liberal Globalists”, as the Russians allege. Not Trump.

Russia clarifies they have record of over 16,000 biological samples, including blood and serum samples, transported from Ukraine to the US, Georgia, European countries………..Russia have been alleging all along. That the US have been producing biological weapons to ethnically cleanse certain individuals of select genome sequences……………. The DNC Globalists were using Ukraine as the home base for production of the virus, then shipping the genome specific viruses to labs around the world, to be released to ensure the virus infected the entire world……We are already in WW3 and C19 was the first weapon fired.

Thus we see a clear trend: infectious disease agents that reach the Pentagon’s zone of interest are subsequently pandemic, with US pharmaceutical companies and their patrons, the leaders of the US Democratic Party, as the beneficiaries…..HOLY SHIT… Russia just said the DNC and US big pharma are intentionally causing pandemics to win elections…