The UN ‘Summit of the Future’ should be called ‘Submit to the Future’!

“World leaders are at UN Headquarters in New York this Sunday where world leaders have just adopted the Pact for the Future by consensus – with a small group of just seven countries holding out, having failed to pass a last-minute amendment. The centrepiece of the Summit of the Future is a once-in-a-generation opportunity to reimagine the multilateral system and steer humanity on a new course to meet existing commitments and solve long-term challenges. Watch the opening session here at UN Web TV, and UN News app users can follow our live coverage here.”

The pact outlines 56 “actions,” including commitments to multilateralism, upholding the U.N. Charter and peacekeeping.

It also calls for reforms to international financial institutions and the U.N. Security Council, along with renewed efforts to combat climate change, promote disarmament, and guide the development of artificial intelligence.

Regardless of its content, the pact and its annexes — a Global Digital Compact and a Declaration on Future Generations — are non-binding, raising concerns about implementation, especially as some principles — such as the protection of civilians in conflict — are violated daily.


World leaders adopt pivotal UN Pact for the Future


This is the latest copy of the PACT — Learn to read between the lines. If you are not familiar with the 2030 Agenda/UN Agenda 21 you need to get educated. In short, it is global communism one world government led by the communist UN. This has been the goal of the UN since its inception. This is not a hard read and it is laced throughout with 2030 Agenda/SDGs/Sustainable Development (UN Agenda 21) on just about every page.

(you have to hit “open file” after it loads — it’s a PDF file – Source: Karen Bracken)