Gold being in ATH territory, continues to have a steady bid. If it continues slowly and steadily higher, there is no reason it can’t close at or near it’s high for the day. As long as it doesn’t rocket higher in a short period of time, like Wed. after the FED decision, there shouldn’t be any real selling pressure.

Silver should work it’s way towards the yearly high around $32.50+. That has been my first target, since it took out my trigger point at $30.25. Again, we want to see a steady bid with the price getting up towards the yearly high and if done early enough in the day, could bust through and tack on additional gains.

The real test will come when and if the stock market falls hard and for more than just a day or two. The big explosive move for silver and the miners will be when the rotation out of general equities, generates significant capital flows into the metals and miners.