27 minutes.

“The greatest threat to democracy is mis-information”

He also supports programmers writing code where individually they don’t know what the objective is, however the AI model delegating the work does.

Question I’d have for this guy is 1) Does he believe AI will ever become self aware (with ZERO strings)  2) does he believe if that happens it will seek self preservation 3) or will there always be humans responsible for the actions of AI (strings, that may be invisible).  Then of course his responses would lead to more questions that would reveal his ultimate vision for the role of AI, the Elite and those controlled by AI.  Of course there is always the BIG one “Does the world have a population problem”?

Consider that we all know goog is a censorship and information control system – it’s in the code but originated from the philosophy/values/goals of the company (from Do No Evil to Do The Right Thing).  If anyone ever dies  because of this (Ivermectin suppression for example), and fingers are pointed, will the Company claim the algorithm went awry and they have no responsibility.  Then take AI – when humans (the collateral ones) die as a result of   (for example AI used for targeting of Israel’s enemies,) is AI responsible or is the user (military) or is the creator (nameless coders acting on orders – unaware of the intent of their employer).

This is the classic Frankenstein dilema – Was Dr. Frankenstein responsible for  the little girl’s death or was it’s creator.  There is NO WAY the creators of AI will allow themselves to be held responsible, esp. if they had unlimited resources/power at their disposal.

I think everyone knows where this AI thing is headed but ultimately will IT or the creators/controllers be held responsible by the MOB  (hint, Victor Frankenstein was saved at the windmill)?