They’ve currently got cops from Places like India, Cameroon, Nigeria, and Zimbabwe.

This story is absolutely insane, such that initially I could not believe it was true. Alas, it is.

Not only does Ireland recruit police from foreign countries that are EU member states; they also recruit so-called “refugees” from anywhere in the world.

(c) Under the International Protection Act, 2015 and in compliance with the Admissions and Appointments Regulations 2013, as amended, be (i) a refugee or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a refugee declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process or (ii) a person granted subsidiary protection or a family member of such a person in relation to whom a subsidiary protection declaration is in force and continues to be in force for the entire duration of the Garda Recruit selection and admissions process;”