From 22-23 September 2024, the United Nations will convene a “Summit of the Future” to obtain official States Parties signatures on a series of multilateral “Pacts”, or (binding) international agreements, between participating nations. The “Summit of the Future” pact and annexes include the “Pact for the Future,” the “Declaration on Future Generations,” and the “Global Digital Compact.”

In other words, this “Summit of the Future” will define a new international system, otherwise previously known as the “New World Order.” The political, legal, organizational, and bureaucratic structure of this new international system will sit above – in other words, it will supersede the prior internal and external national legal structures of the States Parties that sign the “Pact for the Future” agreement and its annexes. This is precisely the political and organizational structure implemented in Europe as the European Union, where formerly independent nation-states no longer control their own internal and external affairs but rather must defer to the centralized decisions of a European Council, which is neither elected nor accountable to the citizens of those nation-states.

To put it another way, in the final days of the Biden – Harris administration, it is likely that the sovereignty and independence of the United States of America will be legally subjugated by executive agreement to a new “international system” centered around the United Nations, its “partner” the World Economic Forum, and the network of global public-private partnerships and non-governmental organizations that will set policy agendas for this “international system.”


Anyone else noticing that the “timing” of this conference (late September) has been orchestrated to occur one month before the US election date??  FWIW – yesterday there was a report on how the DOJ is ensuring that new hires can’t be fired by a new administration — today it’s about abandoning US  (& Canada/ Australia / NZ etc etc etc) sovereignty. Sure seems like the plan is to DESTROY democratic freedoms & jurisprudence within 30 days and BEFORE any election takes the controls away from those now pulling the strings.