Hello GT community. I’m on the road, in Canada, BC, to be more precise I’m outside a small town called Lumby. It’s beautiful country up here!

I wanted to share a bit from the new Early Warning Report by Richard Maybury:

“In my opinion, we may be on the brink of
another world war. All it will take to escalate
the fighting to that level is just one group of
nutballs in Chaostan — The Land of Chaos — to
use one “small” nuke, equivalent to say a
thousand tons of TNT, perhaps in a desert
area or sea as a warning to enemies.

I think gold, silver, platinum and palladium
would within 48 hours jump 500% or more,
and all other raw materials at least 200%. In
wars, fearful investors run to assets that have
value independent of political money.
Within a week of a nuclear blast, I think
western hemisphere real estate might behave
similar to raw materials, as investors in the
Old World try to move their wealth en masse
to the New World. Practically everything in
the New World will become more valuable.”


I’ll share more over the next hour in the comment section.

Hope everyone is well.