Many of us are concerned that Trump could be part of the Cabal, because he released the pandemic vaccines with Operation WarpSpeed. That is indeed a valid concern… if we merely look at the surface of things. However, when we have the courage to look a whole lot deeper, to what the true motivation behind this operation was, we find something absolutely astonishing…

What if I told you that without WarpSpeed, you could have been in one of the many re-education camps that have been built all around the USA and worldwide?

What if I told you the original plan of the Cabal was to keep the world population in lockdown for at least two years, possibly three? They wanted to make sure that the entire world would be in total ruins. Every small business had to be destroyed, the entire middle class had to be wiped out, and every single member of humanity – except for the superrich – had to be plunged into extreme poverty and despair. Then they would have offered the ‘glorious salvation’ of the Great Reset:


Trump says he’s taking hydroxychloroquine

4 minutes — 2020