Just saw a very recent interview with Phillips Baker, Chairman of the Silver Institute and now FORMER, CEO & President of Hecla Mining. I didn’t know he was out at Hecla, but good riddenance.

This guy is a clown, always denied manipulation and a complete dunce when it came to doing anything innovative or positive to get silver prices higher. I don’t know if he decided to leave, or more likely, they had enough of him. Has to be a positive for Hecla in the longer term.

In the interview, some of his answers were a bit more positive about silver and he says silver needs to get to the old high around $50 because of the increasing demand. He still stuck to many of his past positions since he still is part of the Silver Institute and they are the worst supposed industry association one can imagine. Until I saw this I didn’t know he was out at Hecla. It must have been very recent.