The Biden Administration’s Department of Defense (DOD) has announced that it will begin handing out “economic hardship bonuses” to members of the military, amounting to a mere $20 every month. As reported by the Daily Caller, the $20 bonus will be given to troops between the ranks of E1 and E3. An anonymous defense official confirmed the bonus on Friday, speaking to


But…but…Zelensky needs another home and another yacht and another bank account — so lets give Ukraine ANOTHER $100B! And Migrants – my goodness — we LOVE migrants — lets give them $3-4-5,ooo per month (free room & board in swanky hotels) — that can’t cost us more than ANOTHER $20B (or maybe it will). But our troops — our beloved troops — defending the nation we love so dearly — lets throw them $20/mth to show JUST how much we care!