this is a tour de force about what is going on behind the scenes. Baked into the cake. Actually it is NOT behind the scenes but right in front of us, if you have the eyes and the brain to see it. Won’t matter if you have gold, silver, make a killing in stocks or derivatives or whatever. It simply won’t matter one whit.

It is a gruesome look at “the what” and “the how” and “the why” of the mess we are in. One huge gigantic chunk of it. And it is now ensconced in law. Canada is already toast. Our only hope stateside is to elect Trump and hope he has men and women capable of undoing this mess, at least slightly. Not much of a hope, but a hope nonetheless.

Had I an inkling of this crap earlier in life, I would have raised my kids differently, would have chastised them for not raising their own kids differently, I would have zero patience for anyone that supports anyone or anything on the left. I would simply dismiss them as human beings – they are the enemy, whether they know it or not.

Anyway, a superb read from a superb writer and researcher and thinker. Worth of subscribing. In fact, you treasure freedom you’d be a fool not to become a paying subscriber.