The step would not reinstate conscription. Pistorius instead stressed that he anticipates using the registration questionnaires to see who might have interest in voluntarily doing service with Germany’s military, known as the Bundeswehr.

Young men would be required to fill out the questionnaires, but young women would also be given copies and be asked to voluntarily submit the form as well, Pistorius said at a news conference on Wednesday afternoon.

Pistorius said that’s because the military service requirement, which remains in Germany’s constitution, applies only to men.


LOL — so it’s MANDATORY that young men fill out the form but then they have to check a “magic box” if you are volunteering for the military — sure sounds like bait & switch modus operandi. Oh — and young girls are also encouraged to fill out the forms although they would NEVER be conscripted because it only applies to men (of course it does)…….and they think the youth of Germany won’t see through this in a nanosecond??