“They fired hundreds of us for having the wisdom and the courage to stand up for our beliefs,” he continued. “They destroyed our careers, marriages and our families. And they sacrificed the credibility of the CAF to score political points. Every Canadian should be outraged that this is how they treat those who would lay down their lives to protect our country.”

Beginning in November 2021, the Liberal government under the leadership of Prime Minister Justin Trudeau mandated that 275,983 employees from the Royal Canadian Mounted Police, military and main federal departments provide proof of vaccination. Those who failed to do so risked dismissal or suspension without pay. While there were provisions for medical and religious exemptions, these were rarely granted.

The recorded COVID vaccine injuries include myocarditis, Bell’s palsy, and pericarditis among other conditions. In addition to causing various menstrual issues, in one case, the COVID shot was listed as the cause of a miscarriage.
