This Guy Dr Gerry from Boom Finance seems to one of us when it comes to Freedom and Wokism and all that. However he has a Much Much more sober take on Central banking and the World Wide Monetary System

Sometimes we all get completely caught up in our Opinion that the World Financial System is a huge Ponzi Scheme that is ready to explode and disintegrate any moment

I personally have been in this “any moment camp” for the last 30 years or so…hence my interest in Gold !

Most here are the same.


The Monetary System and all it’s convolutions and intricacies is really a mystery to most of us.

I know that some here , pedro for one , understand it’s working much much more than I.

My eyes tend to glaze over when this topic comes up

Here is his explanation which I believe deserves our Conideration …a Closed Mind is a dead Mind

If he is right …and he sure seems to confidently know his stuff…then maybe we have been mislead on how perilous a state the World Financial System is really in…and THAT would be a huge relief…None of us really wants to experience the Doomsday Mad max scenario …do we ?

A lot of really good other insights in this weeks Boom


Governments are not “in massive debt” that has enslaved them. They have sold securities and received funds. They (almost always) repay the investors at Maturity Date. Defaults by governments on such contractual agreements are rare.

So – BOOM wants to make it crystal clear. Governments are NOT “borrowing large amounts of unpayable debt” and they are NOT “printing massive amounts of new money”. Our children and grandchildren will not be “enslaved by government debt”.