While deliberately misleading countries and the media with claims that the risk of pandemics is rapidly increasing, WHO leaders are fully aware that deaths from infectious diseases, and pandemics, have decreased over past centuries and are decreasing now.

It would be easier to ignore the World Health Assembly’s (WHA) deliberations in Geneva this week, but the opening address of the Director-General, Tedros Ghebreyesus, deserves a response. Both the World Health Organization (WHO) and its director are completely divorcing themselves from reality, illustrating how dangerous and unfit for purpose the WHO has become.

Amidst all this rhetoric, the WHO is completely ignoring, and knowingly misrepresenting, what their own data tells them on the risk of natural pandemics.

The databases and citations of reports from the WHO, the World Bank and G20 High Level Independent Panel attest to this. So, when we are told that the “world was unprepared” for COVID-19, we should understand that we were unprepared for the hijacking of the WHO and public health policy, for a virus that had an infection fatality rate in most countries little different than influenza.

We are facing a mass denial of reality by the WHO and its leadership. Until this is rectified, any WHA votes that grant further powers or oversight to the WHO are unlikely to be in the interests of the world’s population, or the countries within which they live.
