Weeks ago, two individuals in a box truck attempted to breach the gates at Quantico Marine Corps Base in Triangle, Virginia. Armed guards immediately stopped them, and the base’s top brass quickly covered up the incident. The reason for burying this incident? It’s an election year for President Biden – and this type of news is politically explosive.

“Two weeks after it happened, Quantico finally put an email out to employees on base letting them know.” “It was basically ‘F—k, guys, I guess we aren’t going to be able to keep this secret, we should try to do some CYA’ [cover your ass],” Some reports speculated the two men arrested had recently crossed the southern border into the US, and one was [said to be] on the US government’s terrorist watch list

“The secrecy is purposeful because it was illegal immigrants, one of who was on the terror watch list, who breached the gates. 

“And they’re allowing these illegal immigrants to come across the border.” The American people will never forget how open southern borders have fueled chaos nationwide—all because you want a new voting base. How selfish. This issue will haunt the party in the upcoming elections
