“Really Gold has been the Global Reserve currency this entire time because as regimes falter always due to debt, deficit spending (WAR SPENDING) and zealous colonization the people that feel isolated and subject to coercion always figure out a new system.

Though Gold (a noble metal) and Silver (the world’s most conductive metal and both on the periodic table of elements) each time step up to account for the “new system” its really the oldest system that emerges as the new solution.

I understand this is confusing, but if you look back through that chart, and even before going through the Collapse of Athens, Rome, and Persian Empire, people revert to Gold and Silver. This is because fiat currencies are issued by Governments and Governments are made up of people, and people are flawed and subject to corruption.” https://goldseek.com/article/golds-long-term-price-structure-pointing-towards-20000-10x-70s