According to newly released figures, Ontario will need 33,200 more nurses and 50,853 more personal support workers by 2032 to fill the shortage – figures the Ford government had asked the Information and Privacy Commissioner to keep secret.

“It’s the government that has to have the will to address it,” “When they’re hiding it so that we don’t solve the problem by increasing wages and improving the conditions of work and conditions of care in the workplace, then they’re obviously not serious about solving this problem for seniors of our province,”

Ontario in particular has been criticized for exacerbating its healthcare worker shortage by levying COVID vaccine mandates as a condition of employment. Officials tried to justify the mandates by claiming that the unvaccinated were “unprotected” from COVID while the vaccinated were believed to have immunity from the virus. However, there is?overwhelming evidence?that the COVID vaccine does not prevent transmission and can also cause a plethora of?negative side effects.