Earlier today, pedro posted a link to Tucker Carlson’s interview with Alexander Dugin.  It’s interesting.  Because of my interest to know more about Dugin, I did a web search and came up with no end to interesting stuff.  That he is controversial is an understatement, as evidenced by the enormous volume of material that comes up by ‘Dugin haters’. He is not a friend to the wokesters or the people driving them.

By far the most fascinating info that came up in the searches on Dugin was the wealth of material by Michael Millerman.  For anyone interested in diving deeper into understanding some of the dynamics of our world, below are links to the Tucker-Dugin interview and an interesting in-depth explanation of Dugin by Millerman, followed by links to Millerman’s YouTube page and his school, where part of a Dugin book about Martin Heidegger can be downloaded for free.





Interestingly, today’s Duran discussion dovetails well with Tucker’s interview and the Dugin material:
