This is interesting on so many levels . from Jeff Childers

The California Globe ran an astounding story yesterday headlined, “Steve Garvey Moves Ahead of Adam Schiff in California’s U.S. Senate Primary.” The news is astounding for two reasons. First, and least surprising, it’s been nine days since the election and they are still counting the votes — in one single state. Third-world countries with same-day voting can easily calculate the results in a few hours. What’s the problem, California? Is it DEI?

Second — most surprising of all — Garvey is running a competitive primary race against liberal darling and unhinged madman Adam Schiff, who was so confident of winning he resigned from his safe House seat so he could upgrade himself to the Senate. As of mid-morning yesterday, Garvey was four points ahead. (As counting continued, Schiff edged back into first place yesterday afternoon, after the results shown above were published. The latest I could find shows 32% Schiff vs 31.7% Garvey. In other words, it’s neck and neck.)

It’s a surprisingly strong showing for Republicans in California. It looks like hope.

In California’s ‘Top 2’ primary election system, called the “Jungle Primary,” only the top two vote-getters advance to the General Election. Since democrats always run a Jungle Book-style field of talking jungle critters like Adam Schiff, the ‘Top 2’ have almost always been democrats, leaving unenthusiastic Republicans facing a ‘dumb and dumber’ choice.

The last time a California Republican got elected to Senate was in 1983, when Pete Wilson won the first of only two terms.

The numbers remain difficult for Garvey, since third-ranked progressive Katie Porter (D) currently holds about 15% of the vote. Together, Schiff’s votes combined with Porter’s handily beat Garvey. But how many Porter voters — democrats who clearly dislike Schiff — would hold their noses and cross the aisle to vote for Republican Garvey, an unashamed Trump supporter?

Either way, it’s a lot of surprising progress for California.