One of BOOM’s major themes has always been the incompetence of current leadership in the advanced Western economies. BOOM has focused on Ursula Von Der Leyen at the European Commission, Jens Stoltenberg in NATO, Emmanuel Macron in France, Olaf Scholz in Germany and Boris Johnson in the UK. Jacinda Ardern in New Zealand and Scott Morrison in Australia have deserved special mention when they were Prime Ministers of their respective nations.

And then, of course, there is Justin Trudeau who stabbed his nation in the heart when he locked some citizens out of their bank accounts over the Truckers protests. That is perhaps the ultimate financial sin that any government can commit against individual citizens, unwise in the extreme. In previous editorials, BOOM has detailed the dramatic loss of trust that Canadians now feel for their institutions of government, central banking, finance and technology. However, sadly, there are many other examples. Joe Biden is one. Benjamin Netanyahu is another and so is Anthony Albanese, the new Prime Minister of Australia.

The advanced economies are mostly being led by fools who adopt the narratives and policies handed to them by unelected, unrepresentative, foreign non government organisations such as the Un-United Nations, the Non World Non Economic Non Forum WEF (the so called, private World Economic Forum), the World Not for Health Organisation, Non Think Tanks and Non Charitable Non Philanthropies funded by a conga line of secretive billionaires. Secret Non-Intelligence organisations also seek to disproportionately influence both government policies and national discourse. The mainstream media dutifully plays its role as a paid-for megaphone of distorted narratives. Integrity is sadly lacking everywhere.

The problem is this — governments prefer to be influenced by these corporatist organisations. They call them “stakeholders”, which is a word invented for hiding disproportionate, non-democratic influence. They do not listen to The People. Corruption of government and poor policies are the result.

The politicians dress up this merger of corporate and state fascism with fancy terms such as “Public Private Partnerships”, “Corporate Partnerships”, “Advisory Groups”. They hope that no-one notices. Then they seek jobs with those corporate “stakeholders” after they have left office
