The past few years I have met and conversed with youth in their early 20’s from various European countries who are here at this time for their Level 1 and 2 CSIA Certification (ski instructor cert). Those from Holland and Denmark usually speak flawless English.
I just ask questions. One question leads to another. Socialism is entrenched in their philosophy. I try to keep it together when speaking with them. Most are completely on board with the WEF policies with a few deviations. Depressing. Very different from Canadian youth I meet.

In general I hear:
-Support for Ukraine
-Geert Wilders is a racist (a common statement)
-not owning a car is fine (I can understand that as transit is efficient there)
-migrant support is a right
-SOGI is ok as it is taught in school
-radical environmentalist views
-de-industrialization is better for the country
-farmers are radicals
-Covid was handled well
-many free services but taxes are high but necessary

Not everyone was this far Left/Woke but in general this is what I heard. The Dutch youth are the worst. With all due respect to anyone of Dutch Heritage here, you left.
I have never met someone from France or Italy in the program.
If the rest of Europe is like this, it’s game over for them in a generation. I believe our wide open spaces and distances have forced our youth to face reality.
Europe welcome to the WEF.