I don’t shop often but…..
Shopped at our local London Drugs store today. They sell electronics, household items and of course there is a pharmacy.
There were 3 security officers wandering around the floor. I asked the clerk assisting me how bad is the theft. He said very bad.
They do not stop the thief. I imagine they are to prevent harm to paying customers. The nice clerk couldn’t answer me. He was told not to confront the culprits. This costs all of us.
Most of the floor staff are very polite and helpful SE Asian (from India) who are glad to be in Canada. The clerk even took my small appliance to my car even though I was more than able to carry it. Wow, service!
We got talking. In India a thief would be beaten on the spot by the police or security and let go. The beating would be well deserved and would be remembered. He said theft does not happen often in his State back home. There are dire consequences.
He has been here about a year and is wondering about Canadians and their lack of action. The London Drugs location in downtown Vancouver is about to close due to the massive theft problem.
Why even open a retail store if one can come in and walk out with anything they want without paying. What a depressing thought.
The ruling on The Turd pulled me out of my depression.
Thanks to the JCCF.
Turd and Vice Turd and Dogmeat all look sheepish now
Dogmeat says he was reluctant to support the Emergency Act. Turd shoud have negotiated with the truckers