These training programs have been operating for over three decades, resulting in the placement, distribution, and rapid advancement of many thousands of WEF-trained operatives throughout the world.

WEF chairman Klaus Schwab has famously claimed that these operatives have been strategically inserted into key positions in various governments and influential positions in essential industries such as media, finance, and technology.

The ‘Malone Institute’, founded by critical mRNA researcher Dr. Robert Malone, has published a list of the approximately 3,800 graduates of the WEF’s “Global Leaders of Tomorrow” and “Young Global Leaders” cadre.


NOTE: When you “click” the “here” below the document automatically/immediately downloads.

The document with all names can be downloaded here.

The list goes far beyond big names like Bill Gates, Angela Merkel, Justin Trudeau, Emmanuel Macron, or Mark Zuckerberg. It includes people from all the sectors mentioned above in pretty much every country.

To claim that all these people automatically follow the WEF’s plans would be an insinuation. Of course, it is unclear to what extent they represent and try to implement the ideals of the WEF in detail.