I have followed articles by the Martell’s WSOP for at least a decade. First, I commend them for being one of the few investigative journalists left and focusing on taking on big banks and Wall Street brokers. The reason a lot of that work gets diminished, is their total left leaning political bias. A perfecct example is this piece about the GS Apple joint venture. As they point out below, the problem was from the Apple store employee doing what most companies do, incentivizing sales but not supervising the process to prevent fraud. I am sure GS had their faults in the failure of this venture also, but as usual the Martell’s ALWAYS attack the financial, Wall Street firm as oppossed to objectively criticizing Apple’s failings, as well. They will report and criticize both parties politicians, but they are so biased in their attacks on all republicans and their financial supporters. When they do report on a criticism of dems, they rarely call out their financial backers, especially if they are the usual dem financial sources and powerbrokers. True investigative reporters should not be almost as bad as the MSM. They provide very good insight on stories that don’t get much, if any, coverage elsewhere, but it has been clear over the years I have read them, that they hate every GOP politician and financial backer.

The Apple Credit Card from Goldman Sachs Has Been a Co-Branding Nightmare; Now Apple Wants a Divorce