Will Trump supporters start to disappear leading up to and following the 2024 election? The FBI appears to be laying a narrative that hints of unprecedented actions on American soil.

Have you ever posted a comment to any social-media platform that was even remotely favorable towards Trump?

If so, you may be on an FBI watchlist.

They’re not worried about the Chinese men of military age pouring over the open border at a rate of 2,000 to 4,000 per month under Biden. They’re not worried about Iranian sleeper cells. NO, they’re worried about American citizens on the Trump team who want to see their candidate in the White House.

But to say that Trump’s followers comprise the main threat to stability in the United States is utter nonsense and the FBI knows it. In fact, I would say that the FBI is a much bigger threat to American stability than the followers of Trump, Joe Biden, Robert F. Kennedy Jr., or any other political candidate.
