From The Dissonant Md>

We must remove the children from government schools. There is no longer any teaching occurring there, only indoctrination. Schools have become re-education camps for the left. Many parents rationalize keeping their kids in these toxic dumps—time, money, necessity. But in the end, it’s really a matter of convenience and priorities. Unless you happen to be connected to one of the rare quality charter schools, your children are worse off at school than at home with you.

Children today receive very little discipline, moral instruction, or meaningful social experience. They live in an artificial on-line world through the screens of the cell phones, where they conduct pretend relationships. Their fantasy life is rich, but none of it is self-created. Rather, it is implanted. Parental authority is non-existent. The chickens run the roost. So is male-female bipolarity, where masculine and feminine traits are reinforced. Today’s young adults truly have no idea what it means to be a man or a woman. In fact, many believe they can be either one, simply by willing it.
