Why I Am Pro-Muslim: but Anti-Thug – Jordan Peterson
20 minute video
Basic Transcript of above video – 10/16/23
This unholy axis of Iranian thugs and Marxist psychopaths is an enemy of Muslims too – Jordan Peterson
Judaism, Islam, and Christianity are vital barriers to the spread of toxic narratives seizing both the West and the East
I have done this because I believe that Jews, Christians and Muslims share more in common than what divides them, and because I know that since there is no such thing as a world without religion, we must do what is best with what we have been bequeathed.
I am in serious trouble this week, nonetheless, because I argued that the authorities in Israel should give the terrorists who invaded their land, torturing and killing their citizens, the hell they most truly deserve.
How could I say such a thing, some argued, while simultaneously maintaining my desire for a rapprochement between the peoples of the Abrahamic tradition? Let us begin that discussion by rendering unto Caesar what is Caesar’s and unto God what is God’s.