It’s been awhile since I read a few books on what brought about the Fall of Rome.
What I do remember is that it started from within. The so called decadence of the population brought on by good times and complacency. They had generations of an easy life. Along the lines of “Good times produce weak men, weak men produce hard times, hard times produce strong men”. Rome relied on external armies for their protection. They exported their gold and silver in the process of expansion and a trade deficit.

Now it’s the West’s turn. We had a good run but it’s near the end IMHO. We won’t disappear but we will not dominate the world as we have for centuries. Even the WEF knows this as stated in one of Herr Klaus’ ramblings.

I have no idea how the Middle-East situation will unfold. I was thinking that if it got into a hot war, the West loses their Naval Battle force off the coast of Israel and a few tactical nukes are used, we would be in terminal decline. The USD would be in the spotlight as we back it up by force.

Our standard of living would plummet as the debt comes back to haunt us. Inflation would ravage us. Don’t expect to travel the world as easily as the past 50 years.
Safety as well as decreased flights.

It’s time to seriously consider loading up on the hard asset of your choice so you can pay for everyday needs until this passes and it will.
Unfortunately, hordes of cash can be devalued with a key stroke.

Even Real Estate will drop initially valued in the currency used. The price to build that same place will have gone up and inflation will support the Nominal price, although a devaluation. You have to LIVE somewhere. Stability is very important mentally in these times. What do you put your assets in that you can enjoy and is safe?

Another part of me is thinking that the WEF is getting in front of the collapse and preparing us for the world as they see it, as we collapse.

It does not have to be as they dictate but some changes are inevitable and out of our control and theirs.

Please don’t take this as doom and gloom but reality is starting to sink in as we live with a Government that is sleepwalking us into bad times with a following of Climate Crazies and Jab zombies. Their numbers are falling but they have a loud voice. Remember they are the weak members of society driving our decline.

Hopefully my rant for the day.