If you are considering a medical MRI — it might be helpful to watch this short video………..

“The brain is the target organ for heavy metals. Gadolinium is a metal used in certain MRI contrast dyes and yet patients are not warned about the side effects. The FDA had to put a black box warning on the dye after so many people started reporting problems. How doctors thought that heavy metals would just “safely exit the body” is beyond me. Most people don’t have healthy eliminating kidneys despite what labwork shows. Meaning, heavy metals injected in the body will recirculate and deposit in vital organs, even in mittle amounts. This is why so many experience brain problems, migraines, seizures, and intense burning pain related to the dye injections. Foreign chemistry should never be injected into the body.”

Watch this video, it’s absolutely disgusting what Big Pharma is getting away with.


3 minutes


Full video – 13 minutes

Chuck Norris wife Gina