Headline posted: Pope Francis In Greta-Style Rebuke Lambasts ‘Climate Deniers’ & Warns “Breaking Point” Coming

Pretzel’s reaction …. worth the post IMO

“In only the last 90 years, science went from believing the Universe existed in a “steady state,” while mocking Big Bang Theory for almost two decades (“Ha ha, you’re a Steady State DENIER?”), to believing in the Big Bang and assuming the Universe would stop expanding and ultimately contract (due to gravity) in a “Big Crunch,” to believing the Universe is instead accelerating in its expansion, to believing maybe Big Bang Theory is entirely wrong.

Lesson? The church should never try to build itself around the science du jour. The point of science is constant change. The point of religion is to bring stability through enduring values that are unchanging. Science should remain subservient to values, not the other way around. Something that is, by nature, in constant flux and always at war with itself (science) can be a great servant but makes a poor master.”

pedro adds … But Klaus and Hariri think they are nearer to God than the rest of us. Obviously.