They are just modern day Snake Oil Salesmen who make shit up and then try to pass it off to the rest of us who don’t have time or inclination to study these things . So we are trained to “Believe the Science” . We Revere the “Scientists” . We believe in their “Genius” Our whole awareness is built around their unrefutable conclusions . They do “studies” and write billions of words to justify their existance and create Scientific Institutions which are never to be questioned . But it’s ALL Bullshit. They NEVER prove anything . They go off on tangents like Darwinisim or The Big Bang Theory….The Big Bang Theory ? Ha Now thats the Ultimate Real Conspiracy Theory…Bullshit ! Question Everything !

Fully’s Rant


Now here is something from Dr. Toby Rogers

The crisis in cosmology

Over the last few weeks there has been a wave of articles in the mainstream press about the crisis in cosmology. The James Webb Space telescope “discovered the existence of fully formed galaxies far earlier than should have been possible according to the so-called standard model of cosmology.” So now, physics, the hardest of the hard sciences, is having major doubts about its bedrock assumptions.

From the NY Times:

We may be at a point where we need a radical departure from the standard model, one that may even require us to change how we think of the elemental components of the universe, possibly even the nature of space and time.

Mind-blowing paragraph:

One possibility, raised by the physicist Lee Smolin and the philosopher Roberto Mangabeira Unger, is that the laws of physics can evolve and change over time. Different laws might even compete for effectiveness. An even more radical possibility, discussed by the physicist John Wheeler, is that every act of observation influences the future and even the past history of the universe.

Cosmologist Andrew Pontzen, writing in The Guardian:

Ultimately, galaxies are less like machines, and more like animals — loosely understandable, rewarding to study, but only partially predictable.

I cannot stress enough how important this is. Physics is the foundational science that all other branches seek to emulate. Yet, physicists acknowledge that all of their fancy models at best explain the 4% of the matter that we can see (the rest is “dark matter” and “dark energy” that serve as placeholders for all that is not known). And now the theories that govern the 4% of the known universe are unraveling too.

You can see where I’m going with this — if all of the other sciences are based on physics and physicists now admit that their models are wrong then all of the other branches of science should be subject to reformulation as well.

It’s even worse than that though because the other branches of science are trying to mimic 18th century physics. Biology, chemistry, virology, and epidemiology (to name a few) have yet to even contemplate the implications of early 20th century physics (quantum mechanics, relativity) let alone these radical insights and growing chasms of not-knowing from the 21st century.

All of this is by way of saying that we have never been modern. Our elaborate scientific theories only explain a tiny fraction of our existence and they do it “through a glass darkly.” More than a little bit of humility is in order. We should absolutely ridicule the “Because Science™?!” people (Peter Hotez, Neil deGrasse Tyson, Paul Offit, Brandy Zadrozny, etc.) because they have no idea what they are talking about and are not doing science at all. We must be conscious of the contributions to knowledge that can come from spirituality, parenting, lived experience, nature, meditation, prayer, philosophy, art, and intuition. And we must create space for better science to replace the mainstream junk science that has surrounded us our whole lives.