The Establishment is accelerating their evil agenda before too many wake up.
The UN, WHO, National Govts and other NGOs are running out of time to shove it down our throats.
There are useful idiots who are used to facilitate this insanity.

It’s all about demoralization and division to divert our attention away from what they are doing in plain sight.
I still believe they need to get their agenda in place before the present monetary system collapses under it’s own weight.
Digital ID’s, Vaccine travel Passports, CBDC and UBI to placate those who have not yet succumbed to the depopulation agenda.

The acceleration of the Gender Culture, Net-Zero and other divisive agendas is a major distraction to keep us at each other’s throats. I’d say it’s doing a great job as many will just throw in the towel. They are using unlimited resources from money printing and of course our taxes.

I know violence is not the answer but the Establishment may be surprised when the tipping point is reached.
There is a huge group who have not reacted yet as they just want to be left alone. Once this insanity affects their quiet lives irreversibly they will see it as a direct attack on their lives.