Yes, there are too many stupid people who are a product of our good times. They are the weak people who gave us the hard times we are experiencing now.

If We The People don’t come together on some basic common ground against the Establishment, we will sleep walk into a very nasty future. It is no longer Left vs Right. That is what they want us to think. It works all too well to distract us from their plans. We are constantly fighting each other. I still believe that we still have 70% of the people who have awakened but people don’t see this as they label each other Lefties or Righties The dogma prevents us from having a rational conversation on the issues we have in common. The Deep State or the Permanent Government Class exist under both Right and Left. Look no further than the Patriot Act under the Republicans.
Look at most pieces of legislation that is passed that benefits Special Interest groups in industry. The Affordable Care Act was a product of the insurance industry under the Democrats. I could go on.
We have been so distracted by the division they created that we have no idea what is being done while we sleep.

The Lahaina tragedy is a teachable moment where all of us need to set aside our differences and realize that the past few of decades of complacency has destroyed the link between government and the people.

We have given up our freedom for security and now we have neither.

Imagine if we could have a sincere conversation with a new person every week about the failures that we all see in society without bringing in the political division, we may have a common cause to push back. Our numbers would grow. Just leave out the Rt vs Lt.
I realize it appears to be impossible but it will be if we don’t try.
My rant for the day.