This is long overdue. But finally someone in a Western nation is demanding government take action on the botched Covid vaccination program and high mortality rates that followed the injections. Malcom Roberts, a Senator for Queensland Australia has called for a Royal Commission into the Federal Governments response to Covid. (The call was made May 11th so this post is a little late). So far nothing has happened. Nobody wants an investigation and public inquiry. But the pressure should remain. In Canada we need a similar action. Eventually there will be a breakthrough and an inquiry will start providing the public with some real answers about what has transpired. That inquiry should also dig into how and why the media was so engaged and heavily biased in favour of the rollout of the vaccinations. The CBC still needs to be held accountable. They may think the public is forgetting about them but they are wrong. Frankly, it is just a matter of time before the CBC is completely shut down for its betrayal due to its starring role in this sick agenda.