From Jeff Childers

“In this recently-posted clip, that you won’t see in US corporate media, the Chinese Foreign Minister accused the United States of destabilizing the world. He used facts.

Among other things, he said:

“What is truly concerning is the destructive role the U.S. has played to peace and stability in the world. The U.S. is the number one warmonger in the world… The U.S. accounted for about 80% of all post-World War II armed conflicts. The U.S. is also the number one violator of sovereignty and interferer in the internal affairs of other countries. According to reports, since the end of World War II, the U.S. has sought to overthrow more than 50 foreign governments, grossly interfered in the elections of at least 30 countries, and attempted to assassinate over 50 foreign leaders.”

In fairness, many of the alleged interferences in foreign countries and so forth occurred during the Cold War, when we were beating back global communism. Some of those conflicts may appear questionable in hindsight, but many people would agree most of the conflicts were reasonable, or at least, arguably reasonable.

But the Cold War is over. The problem seems to be that we never dismantled the Cold War “:”dirty tricks” apparatus. Our CIA’s continuing facilitation of color revolutions around the world, like in Ukraine, does not appear reasonable, and opens us up to attacks like this one from the Chinese Foreign Minister. We do not need to be “number one” in any of those questionable categories.

We need to start minding our own business, which incidentally needs a lot of minding right now.”