JC Again

I hardly know what to say about this recently-posted instructional TikTok, about the economics of amateur prostitution. There are so many layers to it. We could talk about the implications of wide scale erosion of heterosexual norms, the sexualization of young Americans, or the train wreck that is fourth-wave feminism.

But watch for yourself


To me, her most significant line was, “Then I cried, which was free.”

? For contrast, for another point of view, listen to this next young lady’s heartfelt complaints. She is not wrong.


This will probably trigger some folks, but the answer to her implicit question is: Church. Church is where she can find a nicer young man who isn’t infested by porn and non-commitment. She, like the entrepreneurial young lady, are both experiencing spiritual crises. Sadly, I don’t think anyone is explaining that to either one.

These young people need better answers. Go out there and tell them, because nobody else will.