Since his time as VP when his son was linning up payments from Ukraine and China, Joe Biden was being groomed and set up to become a future Puppet President for China. Starting with the Covid scam and going thru the whole 2020 election cycle where all the other Dem candidates were either blackmailed, bought off, or intimidated into dropping out and supporting Biden, the coup de gras was the rigging of the voting machines and manufactured fraudulent paper ballots. The Chinese made sure their puppet was installed and they have been benefitting ever since. This will go down in the history books(if they are ever allowed to be written) as the greatest takeover of one empire by another, without ever firing a single shot. Joe Biden is guilty of treason. A completely corrupt career politician who so desired to become “the big guy” that he sold out his country to do so. Worse than previous criminal President’s, even LBJ who had Kennedy killed so he could become the top dog and not go to prison for crimes he committed before becoming JFK’s VP. Even he and previous others who desired the power and fortune the Presidency provided, never stooped to selling out the country to foreign enemies. No worse “high crime” exists, justifying the first conviction, after impeachment in US history. He will resign in disgrace long before that ever occurs.