I think it is.  The only question I have remaining is how this plays out.  Do we get martial law along with price and currency controls and the inability to move money freely by order of the US govt?  Will the US start WWIII?  Will they nationalize mining companies and confiscate metals?

Those are the big picture questions.

With respect to the miners, I am going to see how I feel in real-time.  Make no mistake, once my financial goals are met, I will cash out most or all of my paper positions, pay off my mortgage and all debts and drop the rest into hard assets like bullion (if I am so lucky).  There is no messing around because you never know what kind of crazy things the US govt and the Fed will do in an attempt to maintain control.  I would expect them to fight like a cornered, rabid dog for survival.  Additionally, I have absolutely no idea what the time course for this final rally in the miners will be before the reset–6 months, 12 months, 2 years or possibly even 6 years, or how high they will go in nominal USD terms.  I’ll be flying by the seat of my pants.

Good luck to everyone.