Africa is misunderstood by almost everyone. I have read endless numbers of reasons why there was so little Covid here and why the vaccine uptake numbers were so low compared to the wealthy West. Almost all the analysis is bunk or based on shoddy reasoning. A great deal is written by people who have never come here. They are mostly just guessing from a Western perspective.

Since I live in Africa and have spent considerable time residing in a number of countries on this side of the planet I am going to explain the *REAL* reasons that vaccine uptake was so low. Perhaps this viewpoint will help those of you feeling trapped and not knowing how to reject the jabs to appreciate how easy it is to exit the trap you find yourself inside.

The number one reason Africans did not accept the injections is because they collectively had the option to say NO.

Across most of the continent there is one common denominator in virtually every country save South Africa. There are no social programs.  Very few African countries offer pensions to Seniors on a widespread basis. There is no Social security, no Foodbanks, no Welfare, no tax benefits to deduct, no handouts that are meaningful, no transportation vouchers or free bus passes and no unemployment benefits.

There is no Social Safety Net.

Thus there was no power from above to compel, let alone force, a jabbing agenda. African leaders could only try to convince the public of the benefits. But they had nothing to withdraw if people refused. And they had no money to offer to sweeten the pot and promote uptake for the millions who were reluctant. There was neither a carrot nor a stick in other words. The people just decided on their own.

Africans refused the vaccinations because they heard rumours they were dangerous. Word got around from one family member to another. Trusted sources warned each other to stay away. The  governments here had absolutely no financial leverage over the population to compel them to take shots either. Since there was no incentives offered and also no consequences for refusal they just politely said, no thanks.

As word spread over the course of the vaccination program about sudden deaths and terrible side effects, opposition grew. Millions upon millions of donated doses from abroad ended up in the dumpster with no willing arms to accept them. Nobody was lining up to get jabbed. Nobody was afraid of Corona either. Distrust of government was a much higher motivating factor than fear of getting the sniffles from a virus.

The second key reason (among many others) is that money is tight here and interest rates are always high. Banks do not loan easily. Customers don’t pay on time either. So banks had no leverage over the people. The takeaway for you, my dear reader, is to understand that you will gain your freedom by living like an African. Eschew debt, don’t accept government handouts (bait) and start living within your means. Its really that simple to take back your power and control of your own life.

If you can do that, you too shall gain your freedom to refuse what others are compelling you to take unwillingly.