Excellent Analysis On The FED Decision & Forward Outlook
This author gives a clear, succint analysis and outlook. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/curve-has-capitulated-fed-likely-next
This author gives a clear, succint analysis and outlook. https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/curve-has-capitulated-fed-likely-next
While many in the raise 1/4 camp cite the FED’s credibility as an issue, what happens to their credibility if they raise 1/4 today and in a few days because of weak banks have to cut 1/2 or take other measures to provide more liquidity? 1/4 does absolutely nothing in fighting inflation that wasn’t already provided by the 4.5% of increases so far. The better play would be to pause. They can continue raising if things settle down and inflation is persistent or cut if needed to stabilize the system. Up and down would remove whatever credibility they might have left, which isn’t much.