Watching the Baseball Channel in the Background

There are mostly only 2 “Sponsers” that are airing Commercials

One is ..The Drug Pushers ( Usual Supects)…Selling shit like Drugs for Exema and who knows what else..but they are a riot

They are all the same…showing healthy people running around doing all the things we associate with life…Barbequing Surfing Bowling….smiling and showing off their bare arms because LOOK …no skin rashes…all the while they are promoting the Drug…. “Talk to YOUR Doctor”…ask him what he thinks of our supper safe and effective new drug 9 out 0f 10 people are cured in 2 weeks and on anon…of course they then list the side effects in small print or spoken in triple time speed….some pretty serious shit too !

The Other is The Government…Canadian Government pushing Vaccines has been replaced by Ontario Govt showing a lady with a bad case of pink eye ….then she is falling into a rabbit hole swirling around in confusion

The punch line…Dont trust medical advice from the Internet….call your Doctor or Consult a Nurse or talk to you Pharmacist !!

You know…all the people who JABBED THE HELL OUT OF YOU LAST YEAR

They are there to help you …and they need the work…cuse No one trusts them any more LOL

All the MSM networks including the Sports Channels… WORK for the Government and Pharma ( which is one and the same)…thats who pays them …we know this of course but unless you actually see it may not register.