I use 2 browsers…Brave which is the best ( no news feed and no pop ups ) and also Microsoft Edge.
Edge give me a Large news feed when every I start a new browser …I like to use it to see what the Cretins are up to
It has always been PRO Biden and Anti Trump of course …90% of the Stories are Slanted way left
BUT lately I have seen a LOT of Biden Bashing Stories…None more so than this one…Something is definitely UP
Oh and also They are feeding many seemingly Pro Trump feeds…Many feeds today highlighting how trump is Leading MASSIVELY in Republican Primary Polling…over RDS
Perhaps it’s the “how to get rid of Biden and not end up with Kamala” syndrome.
That would be great, but let’s get ON WITH IT PLEASE!!
Who is next? Corey Booker or Hakeem Jeffries?
Moo cow looked up. She saw the cattle pen gate had been left open. Amazed she dashed over to her friend Bessy and reported on the Farmers mistake. But there is a ramp and a truck in the gate opening, Bessy noted. I wonder if the Farmer made a mistake and forgot his truck was blocking the exit? Oh yes, agreed Moo cow, the Farmer is a very stupid and lazy farmer. He was probably drinking and left the ramp down last night. Lets get in that truck and make our escape shouted Bessy! They kicked up their heels in delight and the other cows noticed. Pretty soon everyone was walking through the gate opening. And inside the truck on the floor they found heaps of fresh straw. Was it possible this was all a coincidence? Life is amazing on the farm!
So about those Biden stories….yeah, its all just random news. Think nothing of it.
LOL…We Don’t call you Farmer for Nothin