BRIC currencies compare
Briguy made a remark in my post below (on USD long term): ‘As the Bric++ currencies gain strength’.
So I thought I checked if such is truly the case as such in general is a buzz on the web. Below is a chart to compare the currencies of some BRIC nations (10 year chart). In this chart ONLY: China Yuan, India Rupe, and Brazil real. Stockcharts does not allow/have Russian Ruble (as ticker) which in itself is pretty WOKE of Stockcharts but that aside. I have not looked into other BRIC currencies but these are the main ones anyway.
The overall conclusion is that currencies from BRIC countries actually DO NOT GAIN STRENGTH (against USD) but the opposite. So far! Both ‘Rupe’ and ‘Real’ actually have a steady upward line which states that more of the Yuan/Real is being exchanged for 1 USD which translates into weakness (of Rupe and Real against the USD). Yuan seems very volatile, but those fluctuations percentage-wise do not move that much compared to others, so Yuan is in a volatile Baseline. As for the ‘Ruble’ has had large fluctuations recently but aside from the spike up/down more or less stays the same (LT flat line). Such makes both Yuan and Ruble remain equal strength compared to USD on an LT basis.
So it seems that BRIC+ currencies gaining strength is a myth. So far! As for ‘++ nations’ like Turkey LIRA, well everyone knows that currencies is even worse. Tent … am I missing anything?
IMO: BRIC nations who lend against USD will be crushed first before rising as a FENIX.
possibly the ticker of Yuan needs to be opposite (read USDCNY) but the conclusion would remain the same.
U.S. currency is a joke, but the other countrys’ currencies are a worse joke.
Point is the BRICS are in the process of “resetting” their currencies . There will be a new currency based on Commodities ( especially Gold) and when that comes it will destroy the US Dollar…IMO
You can try CEW, as a basket.
FXRU used to exist, as a ruble etf. Long gone.
Fully is right. It will happen overnight and the dollar will lose a third of its value in a blink. And all the other fiats use $ as their reserves (or each others’) so they won’t have it any better.
I agree both with Fully and pedro_deleon. Ofcourse question is when? I have answered that Q before to pedro_deleon which is the moment USD goes PARABOLIC – possibly @ 380 (while now @ 101) which I expect during 2027.
Never waste a good crisis. So the elite who owns the HFT and Ai- systems will make it happen that USD goes parabolic, crushing EM and other Nations (and companies), so ‘they’ can reap all assets 25 cents on the dollars (100/380). While USD goes parabolic the PAIN LEVEL of EM/Nations will be tested to the max and they will abolish/reject the USD which will crash the USD from there. Not till then because that will cause instant W A R. Other Nations are not yet that recouped nor have the guts to go fearless. Therefore it will take some few more years into mid-2027 as charted cycles suggest.
I did not claim that was the case right now, but I expect this to occur as the BRIC++ gets commodity backing. As Fullcrowngold said, they are in transition now. They will gain strength as they continue to set up their own (independent of the West) financial system. The US will not be able to export its inflation to them. Notice the Saudis are starting to pull the plug on the petrodollar.
The ruble is about 10% higher now than before the Ukraine conflict.
Many countries do not appreciate their $US reserves being used as a stick to support the US agenda. They saw what happened to $US Russian reserves.
So, yes, I believe that the BRIC++ currencies will gain strength against the $US.