Peter’s Newsletter cross-posted a post from CovidLawCast.Com

Peter Halligan
Jan 9 · Peter’s Newsletter
Calling all lawyers – 10% of billions in damages is a lot of millions – saddle up!

Another pathway for prosecution.

From the FTC pages:

For the duration of the COVID-19 public health emergency declared pursuant to section 319 of the Public Health Service Act (42 U.S.C. 247d), this Act makes it unlawful under Section 5 of the Federal Trade Commission Act for any person, partnership, or corporation to engage in a deceptive act or practice in or affecting commerce associated with the treatment, cure, prevention, mitigation, or diagnosis of COVID–19 or a government benefit related to COVID–19. The Act provides that such a violation shall be treated as a violation of a rule defining an unfair or deceptive act or practice prescribed under Sec. 18(a)(1)(B) of the FTC Act.

COVID-19 Consumer Protection Act of the 2021 Consolidated Appropriations Act | Federal Trade Commission (

It strikes me that many people and organizations could be prosecuted under this act. It has all been deception. False claims were made about “vaccine” safety and effectiveness by local, state, and federal employees, corporations, employers, and education systems. Furthermore, calling them “vaccines” is a deceptive practice. These are not “vaccines” in any traditional sense—they are a Department of Defense prototype countermeasure under a contract that eliminates accountability.

The same violations occur in the trashing of hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin; and regarding the effectiveness of masking.


Fully’s Comment

I am old enough to remember when the stereotypical Doctors had Integrity and Lawyers were Shysters

Now it’s looking like that flipped !

( not a reflection on the great Doctors here at Goldtent )